The Techniek-en WetenschapsAcademie reserves the right to cancel or reschedule workshops or camps in case of insufficient registrations (<50% occupancy). A cancellation by the organisation will always be fully refunded.
A cancellation by the participant must be notified in writing (via e-mail).
Refund of the registration fee works as follows:
Cancellation is free of charge in case of serious illness or accident of the participant. You notify us immediately in writing before the start of a workshop or camp by e-mail. The necessary certificates will also be sent to us by e-mail. The full registration fee, if already paid, will be refunded. Please note: illness or accidents resulting in the participant being absent for only part of the sessions will not give rise to cancellation free of charge.
Those who cannot participate can always be replaced (by a friend, family member,...) free of charge after notification by e-mail.
Contact details (mail):
These terms and conditions apply only to bookings paid for through our website. They are not valid for agreements made via invoicing.
Alle rechten voorbehouden | UCLL Techniek-en WetenschapsAcademie